Aesthetic Taping Face

Taping is a safe non-invasive anti-aging lifting method used to reduce facial swelling and wrinkles.

Taping is one of the safest and most effective methods for aging skin.  When tapes are used correctly, they provide increased lymph flow and blood flow, relax muscles and form muscle memory.

Tapping makes you feel relaxed and refreshed, it helps you reduce the visibility of wrinkles and smooth deep nasolabial folds. It can have positive benefits like fewer headaches, better sleep, and a sense of calmness.

Duration: 30 min

Price: $80 (one roll of Kinesiology Tape for Face Is included)

What are the benefits of taping?

  • helps our skin absorb nutrients

  • encourages lymph drainage to reduce puffiness and damage from free radicals

  • eliminates toxins

  • improves the flow of oxygen and your skin’s ability to breathe

  • stimulates collagen production to smooth wrinkles

  • has a balancing effect on oil and sweat glands


What is inside in the trainign?

The taping technique is selected individually and depends on the problems on the face.

To get the best results, you need to know how to fix the tape, how to adjust its tension, and how long it can be left on the face.

Book a Face Kinesiology Taping

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